Moderate (IV) Sedation Recertification Course

The California Institute of Dental Education (CIDE) offers the mandatory renewal course for renewing a moderate (conscious, or "I.V.") sedation permit. This course is offered during the weekend.

For moderate (or "I.V.") sedation permit, before renewing the permit, applicants must take a course pursuant to Business and Professional Code, ARTICLE 2.8, Special Permits:

§1647.5.  Continuing education

A permittee shall be required to complete 15 hours of approved courses of study related to conscious sedation as a condition of renewal of a permit. Those courses of study shall be credited toward any continuing education required by the board pursuant to Section 1645.


December 14th - 15th 2024 (In-person)

December 8th & 14th 2024 (Zoom-version: Home study and LIVE Zoom presentation)

Continuing Education hours provided: Sixteen (16)

Teaching methodology: Lecture

Day 1 (Saturday):

8.15 – 9.00:                   Breakfast (provided) and registration

9.10 am – 10.30 am:   Monitoring minimal and moderate sedation

10.30 – 10.45 am:        Break

10.45 am – 12.30pm:  Medical emergencies

12.30 pm – 1.15pm:    Lunch (provided)

1.15 pm – 2.00 pm:     Routes of drug administration: IM, SL, IS

2.00 pm – 2.10 pm:     Break

2.10 pm – 4.10 pm:     Medically compromised patients: Diabetes and depression

4.10 pm – 5.00 pm:     Q & A, hypothetical scenarios, fastening protocols

Day 2 (Sunday):

8.15 – 9.00:                   Breakfast (provided) and registration

9.10 am – 10.30 am:   Rules and regulations Part II: CA Dental Board and ADA regulations

10.30 – 10.45 am:        Break

10.45 am – 12.30pm:  Drugs and pharmacology.

12.30 pm – 1.15pm:    Lunch (provided)

1.15 pm – 2.00 pm:     Drugs and pharmacology (continue)

2.00 pm – 2.10 pm:     Break

2.10 pm – 4.10 pm:     Airway management in oral and moderate sedation

4.10 pm – 5.00 pm:     Q & A, practice airway management on mannequin

Course Objectives

The course is designed to meet the educational requirements for recertification in the use of moderate sedation for adult patients.  The purpose of this course is to assist the participant to deliver safe and effective sedation for adult patients. At the conclusion of the course, the participant should be able to select an appropriate sedative regimen for a given patient and use that regimen safely.

After completing the course participants should be able to:

Become familiar with the terminology of minimal sedation, moderate sedation, deep sedation, and general anesthesia.

Elaborate on the advantages and disadvantages of different routes of drug administration.

Describe the pharmacokinetic principles that affect drugs used for adult oral sedation.

Compare and select different drugs based on their benefits and limitations.

Describe the indications, contraindications, and limitations of various drugs used for adult moderate sedation.

Become familiar with pre-operative, intra-operative, and post-operative documentation associated with adult oral sedation.

Utilize proper monitoring for adult moderate sedation.

Manage patients during the recovery period.

Handle emergencies related to adult moderate sedation.

Review medical history and medical conditions that can be related to adult moderate sedation.


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